Monday, April 23, 2012

Glorious Rest

God has graciously heard my cries and provided me with many different forms of rest and encouragement this week. I'm writing this post while sitting on a balcony snuggled up with my coffee, overlooking the beautiful blue ocean at Perdido beach. It is wonderfully peaceful with the wind blowing through the palms, the birds chirping, and the beaches void of any bodies other than our cute lifeguard. :) (Mom--before you comment, he is way too young for me)

Lately things have been going at full speed with no breaks in between. This is life and I don't know if it will ever change but I have begun to see the need to escape periodically so that I can recharge and continue to minister to those around me.

I was encouraged while listening to our church sermon a couple of weeks ago. One of my pastors preached on Mark 6:30-44 when Jesus feeds the 5,000. The key points that I walked away with were this:
1. Jesus acknowledged the disciples need for rest. I do not need to feel guilty about needing to escape every once in a while.
2. My image of rest and retreat may be different from God's. God commanded the disciples to feed the hungry while they were looking to rest. The disciples saw the masses as a burden and wanted to send them away but Jesus sees them and immediately shows them compassion and mercy.
3. When we feast on Jesus, we have new life and are refreshed. I need to escape and run to Christ constantly for rest.
4. Jesus works mighty miracles and will go to great lengths to feed his people! This feast should be a reminder of the heavenly feast we will have one day.

Monday, April 16, 2012

One step closer

I started entertaining thoughts about becoming a foster parent almost a year ago now so it is exciting to be so much closer to actually getting kids. I've taken the required classes from the state, got my physical out of the way, and am making an appointment to be fingerprinted next week. The next steps that have been hanging over me were to find my own place so I can start setting up the kids' rooms and the state will make a few visits over a month long period. 

This weekend God provided me with the perfect place. It is a 3 bedroom 2 bath home with separate bedrooms (hallelujah for no shotgun style rooms!), central heat and air, washer/dryer hookups, hardwood floors, and fenced in outdoor space. I'm excited about everything about this house but especially excited that it is only a mile from school so I can easily bike to work every day. The neighborhood is also going to be great! Everyone was out on their porches or walking around when I went to the open house Saturday morning so it will be easy getting to know my neighbors. It is also a mixed income neighborhood so there will be many opportunities to minister to my neighbors. 

I found the listing on craigslist Friday night. It made me so excited that I emailed and called the guy to let him know how interested I was and that I would be the first one at the open house the next day. I pretty much walked in, glanced around, and told him I wanted it. He had me to fill out an application and got back to me last night to let me know that it is mine. I sign the lease and get the keys tomorrow.

God is so good!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Good Morning to my few faithful followers. You all should get a prize for your commitment to something that is so inconsistent. I always say that I will be better at blogging updates since I'm bad about not calling. Maybe this summer...

Today I wanted to share an answer to prayers. Yesterday morning before work I woke up early and spent time reading and praying that God would give me strength in knowing that He has not left me in this battle alone. This year has been pretty miserable at work. I'm overloaded and constantly exhausted--both physically and emotionally. Part of this is due to getting a student on my caseload who has serious emotional disorders. My heart breaks for this little girl because she is only 6 and is constantly at battle with her emotions. You can tell that it is exhausting for her too because she will sleep for a couple of hours after each episode. Her meltdowns have been getting more intense throughout the year and we have been struggling to find any local mental health services for her. She was receiving counseling from one agency but they dropped her saying that they couldn't meet her needs. Really?! So you just drop her?? I don't get the complete mental health void that exists in a city full of individuals with PTSD from Katrina. That's a whole other post though.

The plan we have in place for my student is a series of different things but when she reaches a certain intensity in her meltdown we call a mobile crisis team (the cops) after 10 minutes at that intensity. She came in full force yesterday morning and we had to call in the team shortly after she arrived. They actually had to cuff her to take her out safely and all I can think of at this point is that I'm so glad she didn't get to the gun holstered to the cop's hip. The hospital that she was taken to finally had an open bed to admit her for observation and by God's grace, mom agreed. My student has been taken out like this before but the hospital has never had room and mom has never been in agreement before so this in itself is a sheer miracle.

She was put into isolation last night because her behaviors were so intense and she was threatening to kill herself and us teachers. Pray that the doctors will have wisdom in treating her and show her grace. Also pray that God will give her and her mom peace. I imagine it is scary not having any familiar faces around. This is an incredible first step to put mom into action to get services for her daughter and to get my student on some medication that would allow her to function through life. I am encouraged!