Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Just some musings

1. The Celtic Christmas concert at the St Louis cathedral last night was fun and festive. Is it bad that I was hoping the musician would break out singing some Irish drinking songs?

2. Kay jewelers commercials make me want to throw up.

3. Teaching myself how to knit sounded like a good idea but now has just frustrated me beyond belief. I could find a simpler pattern to knit but I am so opposed to failing that I am determined to conquer this pattern no matter what. Why am I so difficult?

4. Two more full days of babysitting left before I go home. I will miss the tax free income but I am so ready to have no responsibilities over the break.

5. Training for my first half marathon is a daunting task. I can't imagine actually running more than six miles. I would love some company on my runs if anyone in the Moody area is up for it.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Give the gift of dignity

Looking for a way to help others this Christmas season? Head on over to the St Roch Community Church website and purchase some of the gifts on their Amazon wishlist. St Roch is a church here in New Orleans which is located in a low income neighborhood. Their goal is to provide families with gifts that their children want at an extremely low cost to families. This enables families to retain some dignity by not outing their inability to provide such gifts for their family. I encourage you to check it out! It requires nothing but a generous heart, a few keystrokes, and a click of the mouse.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I am so Thankful!

Once again, I am so thankful for the life God has given me! I have been blessed in more ways than I can count but I forget to actually give thanks to God for all he has done for me and given to me.
During Thanksgiving week I celebrated my newfound ability to run by doing a 5k in Orange Beach, AL. There are not words to express how thankful I am for the body that God has given me. The past year has been a rough journey to get healthy. Now I weigh 38 lbs less and am active on a regular basis. At the beginning of this summer, I could not run one single minute so the fact that I ran a 5k is incredible. I was almost brought to tears during the run just thinking about how God has blessed me in my attempt to get healthy. I still have a ways to go but I feel like it is an easier journey from here on out because I have a healthier attitude towards exercise, food, and life in general. If anyone is attempting to start running and needs some encouragement, feel free to contact me. It has been a struggle for me and I can't say that I love running but it is kind of addicting.