Saturday, September 24, 2011

Week in review: high and low

Low point:
Calling child services every day this week only to have them tell us that if we want anything to happen we should just call the police. Then calling the police and having them show up, talk to the child, take her to the hospital, then send her straight back into the situation that we are trying to get her out of. My heart breaks for this innocent child and I am so frustrated at our social system that has failed her.

High point:
One of my student's, let's call her Ms Princess for future reference, has been quiet a diva this week. She has been screaming, pushing, and hitting when I make her do any work or wait in lines with her peers. These are all things that she can do so I don't back down but this means that there is a constant battle between us. I try to act as the enforcer while showing no emotion so that I don't reinforce her behaviors and she finally will do what she needs to do but it is exhausting. We've been having about 4 showdowns a day.
Thursday I was working with her another peer in her class and she was getting to take a break. She came skipping (note the diva-ness--she doesn't just walk anywhere, she prances) up to me from across the room and planted two kisses on my cheek. I have no idea what motivated this action but it melted my heart. Thank you God for these small moments.

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